Well Pump Service & Repair
Services /
Well Pump Service & Repair
Years Of Experience
During the life span of a domestic Waterwell the well pump will at one time require service, repair or replacement. Wellmaster Pumps and Water Systems Ltd. employ’s government registered water well pump installers who are qualified to perform domestic water well interventions to repair or replace your well pump. If you are experiencing low water pressure, dirty water, intermittent well pump operation, excessive air in the plumbing lines, or your electric bill has taken a big jump. These are all symptoms of a well pump problem that may require a service or repair.
Common problems that will cause some of these symptoms include:
- Hole in the well pump drop pipe
- Pressure tank failure
- Motor control box failure
- Well pump worn
- Well pump motor seized
- Corrosion of the piping to the house
Today’s Well Pumps are meant to last between 15 – 25 years when they have been installed properly. A Registered or Certified installer will take many variables in to account when designing a Water Well supplied water system to ensure you get the maximum life span from your investment.
Wellmaster Pumps and Water Systems takes great care in the design of your water pumping and treatment system and only install quality materials that carry a solid dependable manufacturers warranty at no extra charge.
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for wells and water.
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Customers Say
We Are Trusted Throughout The Island
Victoria BC
"First let me thank you for responding so quickly to our well crisis. Secondly, for providing a very accurate estimate hedged for the worst. Lastly, let me report that your guys were extremely professional, hard-working and patient with me repeatedly asking what must have seemed like stupid questions to them. I could not be more pleased nor recommend them more highly. ."
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Fusce elementum pretium odio euhendrerit. Donec eumale suada libero. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus etultrices posuere cubilia curae; Etiam vel blandit est. Nulla quam nisi, eleifend a consequat a, commodo at justo.